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Check out this opportunity to become a Chapter Leader:

-Chapter Leader Application


Resources To Get Involved With Your Community As A Youth:

- Youth Community Service

Take A Look At These Interesting Lessons Regarding Discrimination: 

Reporting Hate:

How To Deal With Racial Abuse:



Check Out These Youth Mental Health Resources: 

-CHHS Youth Mental Health Hotlines and Resources

-NAMI Youth Mental Health Resources

- Youth Alliance Help Hotlines

-SAMHSA Behavioral Health Resources for Youth

Here Are Various Underrepresented Careers in the News Industry:

-NBC News Asian Americans Underrepresented In Executive Jobs, Corporate Boards

-Pew Research Center STEM Jobs See Uneven Progress in Increasing Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Diversity

-GALLUP Despite Gains, Diversity Imbalance Persists in Top Careers

-C&EN Women and underrepresented people of color make small gains in science employment, new diversity report shows

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